Sunday, June 14, 2015

Movie Lion Show Piece.

I created a mask as part of a complete transformation into a Fabulous Lion to open "A Night at the Movies" Cabaret show of SCC recently.

I started from a simple black loan ranger style mask, built on layers of fur to complete the texture of the mask.
looking down the snout to the nose and lips.
early mask and wig test

I constructed the whole upper muzzle with nose as a separate piece before attaching to the mask.
Added a leather triangle as a nose.
Trimmed the bottom edge of the fur to create the upper lip shapes for the lions muzzle.
Added a edge of black felt to create the upper lips.

And accented the eyes and muzzle with tufts of white feather to suggest the markings seen on a lions face.

I also used some matching fur to make a pair of ears.

Then I teased a the full wig to make my mane. Attached the ears, and a nice bow.

final look just before show in low light.
And hung a matching hair clip around my neck to complete the look.

My own grey beard shows through to complete the light part of a lion's muzzle.

The look was a total hit greatting the crowd before the show. And then I pounced onto the stage just in time to officially open the show with a totally fey "Roar-uh!"


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Black Pearl

Black Pearl Beads and Clear over Black Sequins

Black foam back
elastic to hold on face,

Great contrast to White Pear Mask

Note: need to make

White Pearl

Pearl Beads and Opal Sequins
white foam back
elastic to hold on face,

Similar to White Pearl Mask on Stick,
Fun to wear behind similar on stick.

Great contrast to Black Pearl Mask

Note: need to make

Black Feather

Black Feather Mask
7/8 coverage (only exposes goatee area)
Wraps around sides of face
Black dyed, black rooster and black/green peacock feathers

Meant to be worn with elastic that holds to face and head.
Great with black afro wig.
Excellent with a goatee dyed black.

Great contrast to White Feather Mask

White Feather

White Feather Mask
7/8 coverage (only exposes goatee area)
Wraps around sides of face
White feathers, White ostrich feathers, white peacock feathers, White quills

Meant to be worn with elastic that holds to face and head.
Great with white wig/hair.
Excellent with a white or light grey goatee

Great contrast to Black Feather Mask

note: need to make this one

Rainbow Sequin

Rainbow Sequin

Clear Beads and 6 colors of  Sequins in rows (like cummerbund)
Black foam back
elastic to hold on face,

Will match, Rainbow Sequin Cumber Bund

Note: need to make

Pearl Stick

Pearl Beads and Opal Sequins
Black back
Stick type,

Note: need to replace the stick, etc.

Dia De los Muertos

Dia De los Muertos
Black beads, White Rhinestones, sequins, Pearls, on White Background.

(not completed)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Brown Feather

Mixed brown feathers
Pheasant, Chicken, spotted, striped, red.
half mask

On elastic can be fitted to a stick.